to coordinate and manage all aspects of HR activities

Collect and store employee data, track employee documents, and automate administrative processes such as attendance tracking, payroll, and benefits management.


Integrate Core HRMS Into Your Organization

Collect and store employee data, track payroll, develop performance appraisals, manage employee benefits, also create and implement policies, and manage employee records.

core hrms leave note
monitor payroll and leave

Monitor Payroll and Leave

Create a highly flexible pay structure that is adapted to the personnel classifications of the organisation, industry standards, and other needs.

maintain timesheet

Maintain Timesheet

Create statutory return file formats, such as Form 24Q returns, PF ECR files, ESI Returns, and PT reports for all states, all without the need for further data entry.

growth and succession planning

Growth and Succession Planning

Help ensure the continuity of the business and its long-term success and also provide the business with a competitive edge, as leaders with the right knowledge and skills.

What is Core HRMS?

Core HRMS Software integrates, controls, and automates a company's payroll procedure. It is responsible for managing compliances, processing payroll, paying employee salaries, producing payslips, guaranteeing the security and integrity of the database, and more.

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